now im at work.. as usual.. so sian :(
woke up very early ytd. den we went to orchard tcc and eat lo. the food is nice :P but dam ex ah.. best is the dessert lo. its a chocolate puff and when u bite the puff, the warm chocolate inside will start oozing out. verrry shiock! :P
after eating, i accompanied my cousin jeanie go shopping lo. she wna buy her new year clothes. haha. i picked some very sexy clothes for her but she dun wan. lol. and we just keep walk walk around lo. she bought a dress, not sexy de lo :( haha.
went to the toys section and played with the toys as well. haha :D
got back home at evening liddat. den had dinner outside. we went to catch late night movie. haha. bro borrowed my uncle's car to drive, and on the way home that time, my bro accidently scratched his car while making a turn. lol. dunno how my bro's gonna explain to uncle. haha.
my cousin jeanie n me
bro act cute. LOL